In case you missed it, we recently held our Veteran’s Appreciation event last Friday, December 7th at North Penn VFW Post #676. If you did attend, we hope you enjoyed your time with us, along with the food and drinks! Our event was a great success and we have received plenty of positive feedback from those who attended, so we would like to sincerely thank everyone who was a part of it. Part of our event included a charity event through the Krausey’s Koat Charity Drive, and we were able to collect a total of 101 coats, and 4 bundles of socks. All of the donations will be given out to various homeless veterans within the community. We are extremely proud of the results, and glad to help out those who are in need.

Here at Thrive Financial, we are always seeking out opportunities to give back to our community, especially military veterans who have bravely served the United States and fought for our freedom. Veterans are truly the backbone of our country, and they deserve to be appreciated for all of the sacrifices they have made in their lives. We want to make sure that all veterans, regardless of their affiliated military branch, are treated respectfully by ordinary citizens who have not put their own lives at risk in the line of duty. The United States Military has played a substantial part in shaping the world we live in today, and we as Americans take great pride in knowing that.

It was also humbling for us to be able to host our event on the 77th anniversary of the Pearl Harbor attacks on December 7th, 1941. The events that unfolded that day were undoubtedly horrific, with over 2,000 American lives lost, and United States history being changed forever. It was the largest attack on American soil at that time, and our country was able to resiliently rally together following the attacks and play a vital role in bringing down the Axis Powers during World War II. So, with that in mind, it was rewarding to hear stories from various veterans at our own event. Small things like that make us appreciate the opportunity we have to live freely in our country that much more. To all of those who have served our country & continue to serve, we at Thrive Financial Services salute and thank you for our freedom!