Thrive Times – August 2019
JULY 2019
We\’re going to spotlight our good friends from Del-Val Insurance who are saving all of the members of the Thrive army up to 40% on their auto insurance right now. As we join and listen to this previous program, I also remind everybody to get registered for one of the four upcoming workshops next week. …
[smart_track_player url=\”\” ] We are back for another great Roadmap to Retirement discussion this week. David, it has been a busy month for Thrive, to put it lightly. Yeah, busy, busy, busy. We just finished a fantastic week, another week in the books, and really turned out fantastic. We had a lot of great appointments …
[smart_track_player url=\”\” ] David, I say good morning to you. We\’ve reached that point in the year, Memorial Day, where it\’s almost, to me, a checkpoint. You get to Memorial Day, and then you can start to focus on the summer and start to look ahead for at least the three months that are in …
[smart_track_player url=\”\” ] David, I want to start with you immediately because I often thought this week many times, the thought came into my mind every time there was a story posted about the tariffs on China, and then China retaliating against the US, the market jumping up, the market jumping down. And it brought …
JUNE 2019
[smart_track_player url=\”\” ] It\’s the second Saturday in the month of May and we start you off on Roadmap to Retirement, the radio show. We begin by dedicating the entire one hour of our show today to all of the moms from around the Delaware Valley that will celebrate Mother\’s Day tomorrow. We also send …
JAN 2019
FEB 2019